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The Promoboxx Blog

Kelly Sonnenshein Top 10 Ways to Get Your Retailers to Love You

Looking for the best ways to strengthen your retailer relationships? Forget the chocolates and flowers, check out our top ten list to learn how you can better connect with your retailers and feel the love. Treat them as equal partners. Their brand is the most important equity they have. – Sonciary, SVP of Client Services […]

Tips and Resources brand
Taylor Holm You Asked For It… Retailer Share Scheduling Is Here!

Retailers asked for it… and we listened! After receiving feedback regarding the need for scheduling Facebook and Twitter posts, it’s finally here. Retailers can now choose to share a post immediately, or share later.  Why does this matter? With Share Scheduling, retailers can: Manage all of their online marketing for a campaign in one sitting […]

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Allison Moldoff 5 Easy Tips to Rock Any Internship

Internships play a major role in a student’s academic career, with many students seeking internship opportunities to gain experience in their field of study. Finding an internship can be difficult, but actually being a successful intern and excelling at work is sometimes even harder. Here are a few things that I’ve learned while working as a […]

Careers & Culture brand
Ben McBratney Our Twitter Support Handle has Changed

Our individual brand support Twitter handles have disappeared! All brand and retail support will now be monitored and responded to via our main Twitter handle, @Promoboxx. In addition to support, follow us for all kinds of awesome content: Testimonials (#BoxxRoxx) Social media tips and tricks Campaign launch announcements New feature announcements Company news and culture […]

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Catherine Daigle 4 Reasons Why Customizing Content Is Worth Your 30 Seconds

At Promoboxx, we work hard with our brands to provide content that not only looks professional, but also provides great value for both consumers and retailers. Part of this process often includes incorporating campaign customizations that are simple and easy to implement. These features can be a great tool for any retailer, and should not […]

Tips and Resources brand
Allison Moldoff Faces of Promoboxx: Catherine Daigle & Ken Bousquet

Meet Promoboxx’s newest Retail Activation Interns, Catherine Daigle and Ken Bousquet. We are thrilled to welcome them to our team. To get to know them better, we asked them a few questions. Check out their answers! Catherine What made you want to join the Promoboxx team? I was immediately impressed by the product, but equally […]

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Sofia Papastamelos New Feature: Retailer Activity Tracking for Brands

Dive into user engagement with New Retailer Activity Tracking! Promoboxx is proud to announce the next big tools in retailer engagement! These features provide an easier way for brands to quantify and visualize how their retailers respond to campaigns and other marketing content. We’ve given our brands the ability to not only monitor all user […]

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Allison Moldoff Faces of Promoboxx: Wes Campbell

Promoboxx is happy to Welcome Wes Campbell to our team as a Brand Sales Manager. He is a graduate of Providence College, where he played on the varsity lacrosse team. Prior to Promoboxx, Wes worked in sales at a few companies including Merchant Warehouse, By All Accounts, and Thomson Reuters. We asked Wes a few […]

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Ben McBratney Why Promoboxx is Useful for All Retailers

This post was co-authored by Allison Moldoff; Client Services Intern Promoboxx services a wide variety of retailers: from big automotive groups with multiple dealerships to small mom-and-pop shops. Many of our largest retailers have either a full-time marketing position or hire an agency to do the marketing for them. Yet, some of our mom-and-pop shops […]

Tips and Resources brand
Ben McBratney Faces of Promoboxx: Allison Moldoff

Our longest-tenured and most beloved Intern, Allison Moldoff provides daily comic relief and stellar music taste to the office. Currently a sophomore at Simmons College majoring in Business and Marketing, we caught up with Allison before her semester abroad at Tel Aviv University. Favorite quote? “Don’t it always seem to go that you don’t know […]

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Ben McBratney Faces of Promoboxx: Sofia Papastamelos

Sofia Papastamelos was the very first Retail Activation Manager at Promoboxx! A recent graduate of Boston College, Sofia now heads up the intern team between answering questions from all of our lovely retailers. We asked Sofia a few questions to get to know her better. She kept it short and sweet! Best advice you’ve ever been […]

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Ben Carcio Local Bookstores are Back

The local independent bookstore is like the American Bald Eagle. Its an iconic symbol of our culture, but for over two decades its ranks have been decimated by eCommerce, big box retailers, and now digital downloads, to the point that they’re nearly instinct.  Given this bleak prognosis, many just considered the independent bookstore dead and moved on. […]

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